Friday, November 21, 2008

1 week and counting

Well there hasn't been much blogging this week because as most of you know we are between homes right now. Luckily we have some of the most wonderful friends ever and we are staying with our good friends Tammy and Shane. They have been nice enough to open up their homes to us and our 2 crazy kids. I thought that I would post about how our week is going. We moved out of our home last Saturday and moved everything into storage except for enough clothes to get us through the week. Mom and Dad kept the kids for us on Saturday so that we could get everything moved and out. On Sunday Mom brought the kids back and Tristan was very confused. For those of you that don't know Tammy and Shane live directly across the street from the home that we moved out of....the only home that Tristan has ever known. He just really had a hard time on why we couldn't just go home to his home. And he really really didn't understand why their were strangers over at his house and moving their stuff into his home. To say the least Sunday night and Monday morning were a little difficult. The rest of the week actually went by pretty fast. We didn't see our new roomates very much because Tammy had a crazy week of school and we had a crazy week of work. It is now Friday and if all goes as planned this weekend we should be moving into our new home on Tuesday afternoon.....Please mr City man gives us our certificate of occupancy.
I do want to say to thank you so much to all of our friends. We really do have the best friends in the world. We appreciate all of the people that have helped us, fed us, and just really been there for us!!! Ok well Sean just arrived with dinner. I will try to take some pics of the house this weekend so you can see how close we are:):) STAY WARM!


Hippie Family... said...

oh my gosh, I have my fingers, toes and everything else crossed.. lots of prayers and hugs from here, I hope thanksgiving brings you a new home to give thanks for!

Jaycie and Randy said...

WOW this week did fly by!! I have parent teacher confrences next week, but if you need anything let us know!! Randy will be at home with the kids!!